
Diary Entry 2: Resisting weights

Set aside every weight of sin that so easily clings to you by looking to Jesus. Learn from Him, His burden is light, and His yoke is easy.

Jesus resisted the shame and endured the cross. He resisted the shame, not letting it crush His belief of who He is because of who His Father is. The evil done to Him was a shame, no denying that, but His eyes did not settle on His shame, but was lifted up to the goodness of the Father. For in due time He would be saved and be risen into glory.

So we too, can look away from the shame, the hurt, the pain, and rise up- strong in the love of the Father, who in due time saves and vindicates.

Jesus calls us to learn from Him, for He does not give a heavy burden or difficult yoke. Even while we are working, we can ask for His wisdom. We may set aside the weights not only in our thought life, but also in what we put our hands to. He gives wisdom in the way we work to make things simpler, but effective.

It may require change of certain habits, to implement planning and routines that are bite size. Maybe it means eating a simpler and cleaner diet that will not only save time and energy, but it will keep you more energetic.

Burdens on our body may come from loading it with unhealthy foods and sugars which we ought to set aside. Burdens on our heart and mind may come from not entering into His rest. His rest is our abode where we unyoke from the worldly things, ridding ourselves of all weights of fear, doubt, bitterness, and anger.

A double-minded man cannot operate weightless for his way is divided. He teaches us to be single-minded, so that our burden is light and yoke easy. We cannot want to live a life of this freedom but still want all the weighty addictions and lusts. Something has to give.

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