
Diary Entry 4: The light

The Lord’s Word holds everything together and  therefore continues to speaks to us, hence you can receive a Word by looking at a sunset, watching a movie or playing with your kids.  His Word is a light which shines through everything around you. So that is why many who are sensitive to His voice will hear His word through a blooming flower. He is that close.

God promises to never leave you nor forsake you, but to be with you ALWAYS. That means ALWAYs. He is the light set on a hill, Who WILL direct your path. His light shines in dark places, which is in your doubt, confusion, and weakness. Your rest remains in this very thing, HE IS WITH YOU. It is not something you conjure up  or figure out in your might and power. You rest in faith alone. Not reasoning it. It is a simple belief that He is there and you are at peace in that.

When our brain scrambles with questions ,we cannot operate in faith and peace. We begin to operate in the flesh, doubt and fear. Instead cast down all imaginations and weights that these fears, doubts and questions present, and look to Jesus by only confessing His Word which says that His fullness is in you. You know all things; you only have goodness following you; your eyes and ears are open to His Truth; you are blessed in all you do; you are well in mind and body…

There is no reasoning in this, but what you are doing is resisting the darkness that is clouding your mind by entrusting yourself to God, His Word and His light, which are only blessings and truth. When you do this, darkness has to flee.

Let your eyes be the windows that let only light into your dwelling. Therefore  keep your eyes, thoughts and confessions only on things that are true, lovely, and worthy of praise.  Only blessings or heavenly things are  of the light, anything else is  of the dark which we must resist.

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