
Diary Entry 11: I am in disobedience. How do I handle?

If you find yourself in disobedience to God’s will, but you want to be in his will yet you do not know how, or you know that your heart is hardened… Do not be dismayed!

Instead of fighting with yourself, falling into helplessness, or completely turning away from faith… hold on to faith!

Hold on to faith by coming to God instead of away. Bring your failures and evils to Him. He waits for you to ask for HELP, and not to try to figure it out and do it on your own. He already knows your weaknesses. He is only waiting for you to run to him for mercy and depend on Him.

The secret to following Christ is to establish and maintain that you are never good enough, but only He is good. You are a new creation, not hopeless and not incapable, yet your FOUNDATION is His DONE work alone; your REST.

We are warned to continue in the REST and not to miss it, because sin is deceitful and it will pull you into unbelief, and away from Him.

So if you know you are in sin, such as you are not willing or you are fearful to do his will, come confidently to the throne room of grace with your burden, and find grace. He asks you ONLY to come and learn from Him for His burden is light and yoke is easy. You can ask Him to teach you to follow Him.

Even young men will grow weak, but those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. He will strengthen you. Only turn to him for the HELP. Resist calculating and recalculating it in your mind, you are only digging yourself a deeper grave.

Be confident enough in HIS LOVE to hold on to your peace and wait on the Lord to uplift you and strengthen you. Remember, we did not love Him first, instead He died for us first while we were still sinners.  We hold onto this hope. This is our REST.

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