
Diary Entry12: The Blessing is Now

We may not immediately see the Word operating in our life, but that does not nullify the truth of the Word. It is our minds that are not renewed and so it takes a bit of time for the transformation until we begin to see the fruits. It is through the oppositions, when we do not give up but resist the lies and hopelessness, but hold on to the Word, that our faith is strengthened and we are renewed and transformed.

So when the word says that Jesus multiplied the loaves, this is truth. This is the power of the word for those who seek His kingdom (His will) and righteousness.

The blessing of the Lord was on those loaves and fish because Jesus spoke a blessing. It was that simple. There was no worrying, overthinking, no calculating and recalculating. It was only the blessing, that the loaves multiplied. So you can too enter each day not worrying about if you will have enough; maybe it’s enough wisdom, strength, ability, faith, or provision in any form.

 The blessing, which is His Spirit, is near and is new for each day.  Enter each day with thanksgiving for His blessing is over this day; over your meals, over your savings, over your equipment and supplies; over everything you need to do a good work. Get into a habit of raising everything you do to Him, blessing it, and keep working and doing in peace (not holding back and stopping what your hands can find to do). And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them ( Mark 8:7). They did not wait for the multiplied fish to appear before they set the food before the people.

If we do struggle to believe, we can press in and renew our mind to this Word. The blessing of the Lord is near. Those in Christ Jesus are now dead, and He now lives in them, so this same Spirit that blessed and multiplied the loaves, is the same Spirit that is in you. He is our new life so we may take hold of Him and resist the doubt and shame.

He says you cannot follow Him (these truths) if you do not deny yourself. This means we have to deny the anxieties, doubts, and shame, and the old man that wants to conform to the world. We have to deny wanting to save ourselves and finding our place in the world. Those who try save their lives will lose it, but those who lose it will find it. This is the truth we stand on.

The Father says he hates the things of the world, and those who love the world do not love the Father. So deny trying to save your reputation, your statuses, and loving the things God actually hates.

To deny these things I just spoke about, is a gift. A rest! The burden of trying to save our lives or fit in is heavy, and being at the mercy of men is never ending. It becomes a vicious cycle that leads to death. Come out from them, and live!

God commands a blessing, and the blessing is now!

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