
Diary Entry 13: The Blood

Being a fulltime mama is not an easy task. Day in and day out you raise your kids, and keep your home. The familiarity of it can become grossly mundane and the reality is that our kids are no angels. Our children do not just get it, but more often than not they need training. Training is teaching and coaching over long periods of time, understanding that character is not shaped in a day. They are children for many years and those quirks that bother us  will not just go away.

While the anxieties of the mundane are grating your own character, and  those character quirks of your kids are stubbornly rooted, you may be left overcome. This is where I have found myself many times; overcome by a deep anxiety and anguish that has lead into unrighteousness; I have been led into fury because my kids must just get it now, and I have no more energy nor patience I can give. I have reached the limit many times.

As a born again believer you know the weight of your actions, and it is here where I have learned to turn quickly to Jesus, because ONLY the blood forgives and restores. If we think that there is something more than the blood ,then that is a counterfeit. Nothing should be exalted above the blood.

This thing is like a scale. I may  try correct my wrong character through my own righteousness (one side of the scale), or I could just continue to submit to the anxieties and unrighteousness (the other side of the scale); in both both ways I am leaning on myself and by that I am denying the blood. I am exalting ME above the precious BLOOD.

The blood is right there in the middle mediating us, all our  self-righteousness and unrighteousness, unto The Father. The blood draws us AWAY from ourselves into His throne room of grace. There is nothing other than the blood that cleanses you and heals you and your family.

Through our acceptance of the blood we are teaching our children the art of forgiveness and healing. For if we can accept this forgiveness and healing by the blood, how much more is there for our kids.

When we are able to daily reach for this grace, then we are more likely to make this grace available for our kids.

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