woman standing on sunflower field

Diary Entry 14: New life

New Life

We are to be reminded to daily be a living sacrifice. We no longer live. We are dead. If we no longer live then we do not have our own thoughts, knowledge, opinions, and dreams.  ALL that was buried in with Christ, and now as Christ was raised so we also are raised IN HIM. A new life is in us. A new purpose and will from above.

This new life is The Living Word, The Holy Spirit. We no longer try fulfil the old letter whose glory is faded, but we now have THE LIVING LETTER in us. The Spirit. Our confidence is not that we are worthy but that He is good enough to want to abide in us.

Our confidence is no longer in ourselves, but Christ within us ALONE. We have this treasure on the inside, which is his kingdom come. Scripture tells us that the kingdom will not come with observation, but it is within. So His children do not need to go out looking for the kingdom here and there.

You may feel lonely- but you are not alone. He is right there with you. Feelings are moved by circumstances, but feelings also died with Christ. It no longer has power over us. Only Christ in us. We only grab hold of it.

Those who are born from above, in Christ, are of the Spirit. The Spirit is Christ, the truth, and truth reigns over feelings. So when we feel lonely, or without purpose and vision, we come back to this: we no longer live but He lives in us. So yes, we do not have the vision, nor the strength, nor the ability, but He has it in us. And we are not moved by our circumstances or feelings.

The same Spirit that hovered over the earth in the beginning, that planted a seed in Mary’s womb, that raised Lazarus from death, that cleansed the lepers, that cast out devils, that multiplied the loaves and fish, that endured suffering, that overcame, and was Himself raised form death, IS THE SAME SPIRIT IN YOU.  Only by faith. Only believe.

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