
Diary Entry 6: Follow Me

If you have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, then YOU have been given this ministry of reconciliation. The work that He has done in your life becomes a testimony and ministry to others, hence you are to shine your light, and not hide this ministry.

You need to be prepared in your mind and heart to accept and flow in this ministry. It means following Him even if it means not having certain people in your life; even if it means you will be financially affected; even if it means you face opposition. We are not worthy of the kingdom  if we shy away in timidity for fear of our lives and all that is dear to us.

We are reassured that those who lose their life WILL find life, but those who try to gain their life will lose it. We learn that Jesus loved the rich man who came to Him  seeking eternal life. He had kept all the laws of God, and in his eyes he was following God with all his heart. But he was missing ONE thing that divided him from the kingdom, and this was his possessions, his wealth, and perhaps his businesses.

Our hearts may be in the right place BUT the LOVE of money is the greatest evil of all evils because it makes it impossible to follow Him and let Him reign over your life. Christ Jesus is enough to forgive of ALL evil and sin, so nothing is impossible, yet  the love of our wealth and possessions hinders our faith to obey Him.

Today you may be sincerely loving and worshipping God, so you believe you are following Him. Jesus said “Follow ME”, and He means what He says, even if your possessions cannot go with you. Even if it means you have to quit your career so that you can raise your kids in the Lord’s way. Each one of us can hear his Voice and have a knowing of His desires in spite of a boss mommy booming in her career or business. Do not compare. Have faith . We all have seasons and conditions that we grow best in for the ministry we are given. We have the Spirit now so that He may teach us.

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