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Diary Entry 15: You are a worshipper

You are a worshipper, and I do not mean on a Sunday service during a sing-a-long. Romans 12 is clear about what our proper spiritual worship is. Our proper worship is our very lives. We are a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, for if we received His word then we are made clean.

John 15 says that He is the vine and we are the branches. The branches that do not bear fruit will be removed, and those that bear fruit will be pruned to bear more fruit.

To be pruned means to be cleaned, and John 15 says that we who received His word are ALREADY clean. So by faith we are made clean, not by works but by abiding in His word- the done work of Christ Jesus.

So remain in The Vine, not conforming to the world nor the traditions of men, but as living sacrifices. For you no longer live but NOW He is seated in you and you in Him; so consider yourselves clean, holy and acceptable.

 Abide by renewing your mind ti this reality, thereby being transformed, knowing His will and bearing more fruit.

Our fruitfulness will glorify Him, hence you have been given the authority and power to be fruitful, as you continue in Him.

Continue in Him by resisting the worries and cares of this life, so that YOUR LIVES, and EVERY DAY LIVING is the His full expression of His Spirit and Truth.

Our worship becomes His expression, so we are indeed Spirit-led; for in him we live and move and have our being.

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