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Diary Entry 16:  The Ripple Effect

Consider a ripple in the water and how it is formed. As a stone is dropped in, the rings that form begin small then grow bigger as it moves outward.

In the same way we drop our souls into Him (Christ our Living Water) and as we grow deeper into His rest, there is an outward and onward ripple effect in the Spirit. Firstly it affects ourselves, in which we are touched and transformed. Then there is the overflow which ripples onward-out to reach others.

He has called us to bear much fruit, however we are to continually drop ourselves into Him and remain in Him and His Word. For in Him we have a spring of the Spirit that is feeding and equipping us. As a plant would remain in the sun to grow, so we ought to remain in The Son for He works in us to will and work for His good pleasure.

This inner working of Christ is producing the ripple effect, touching our own life and everyone around us. So again TODAY abide in Him, for He has new mercies for TODAY. It allows us to forget what WAS, and instead look what is AHEAD.

When we avoid dropping into Him we begin to see the stagnation of the water. There is no movement. But Paul said that He presses on FORWARD, forgetting what is behind him, reaching for the prize, which is Christ Himself.

So keep moving forward as you rest in Christ, and watch the transformation unfold in you, then reaching those around you.

As a mother, and wife, how much more do we need such a grace in our life every day. Every day we ought to keep pressing forward in Christ, leaving behind our faults, and those of our kids and husband, BEHIND. Then keep reaching for His beauty and love. Keep speaking His word only. His word is full of promise and blessing.

If He died for those who were dead in their sins, how much more are we, that are justified, saved and blessed!

May The God of Rest grant you His peace today, from which much fruit comes. It will ripple and touch your family as you keep dropping your soul into Him every day. We only raise our thanks to Him.

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