person holding Holy Bible

Diary Entry 18:  Unquestionable Obedience

Unquestionable obedience is stirring my heart. Do we obey our leaders, and obey all laws unquestionably- unto sin?

If this was so then Daniel would of not found himself in the lion’s den; Esther would of spared the trouble of approaching the king as a living sacrifice; there would not of been three in the furnace; Paul may have spared himself from imprisonment and beatings. The list goes on of God-fearing men and women who LIVED OUT their faith in the face of intimidation and persecution.

While we are to honour our parents, we cannot follow Christ if we do not love God more than them. We ought to obey and  respect our leaders, realising they have a difficult task, so we pray for them with hope that we will live in peace. Also, no one can hear His Voice when their peace is stolen by bitterness and hardness of heart towards leaders. However we cannot live in confidence and obedience to God when we place man’s values and lifestyles above God’s will. 

We have not seen bible heroes rioting against or resisting their leaders, yet when it came to their devotion to God, no law moved them. Their devotion to God in fact defied the laws. It was their unresponsiveness to a call-to-law that brought them much persecution.

If you know God, then you will walk in the light and not darkness. Your life will not defy the laws of love, but your life will indeed defy the laws of evil since you cannot be equally yoked with it. We are never to fight fire with fire, nor turn to unrest to win our battles; however it is not in submission to wickedness that will save us either. Submission to wickedness renders us powerless as we hand over our authority to another master.

It is through deceit and twisting scripture that darkness will get us to give over our authority in Christ. Instead our devotion to The Truth in the midst of wickedness will keep us in His authority. His authority gives us the strength to keep on the straight and narrow path despite the pull to sway off.

No man who has submitted himself to wickedness can keep his faith for long; for one can only serve one master!

Protect your allegiance to Christ in the midst of abominations. Keep your heart soft and pure, not hardened by evil, but rather pray for those who persecute you.

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