silhouette of mountains during sunset

Diary Entry 19: Holy holy holy

We awake to a new day with new mercies. This day is holy. This day is holy.

This day is holy. This ground we walk upon is holy. These clothes that we put on are holy. This food that we eat is holy. This home over us is holy. Every thing we touch, from a coffee mug, to a pencil, book, laptop, car or shovel, is holy.

Take a moment to become aware of His holiness. Take it in. We are on holy ground. The reality of the Father is more real than any thing we face each day. The reality is that His power and might is within.

He has given us a Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. This is our reality which is above what our eyes see or what I feelings feel.

Thank you Jesus for holiness. In His holiness no evil can penetrate. In His holiness we are in awe and are captured by beauty. In a cruel world we have the holiness of a loving Father that wraps us in more mercy, and more grace.

He has equipped us with a Spirit of power that is not overcome by evil, for the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit within us. He will quicken our mortal bodies, quicken wisdom and understanding to us.

This is the same Spirit that convicts the world of sin, which is their unbelief. The same Spirit is the Word that is sharper than any two-edged sword which divides flesh from spirit. This same Spirit is the holiness of God. It doesn’t leave out anyone, from the dirtiest child on the street to the oldest man breathing his last breath.

Holy Holy holy are you Lord. Everything today is touched by Your Holiness.

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