a wooden block that says faith next to blue flowers

Diary Entry 24:  No faith is sin.

Scripture tells us that anything that is not in faith is sin. So may we ask our self the question, “Are we walking by faith, or are we doing things by fear, or rather have we stopped moving or dreaming altogether because of doubt and fear?”

The dreams and ideas may be there but then to live out these dreams by faith can become a dread. It is one thing to dream, but if it is not mixed with faith then it is sin. May these areas in our lives be exposed so that the light can cast out hidden chains, so we can finally be free and healed.

The first step would be to acknowledge our lack of faith or sin, for when we do not know that we are walking in darkness we cannot be free. Yet to see the sin for what it is, we can finally detach ourselves from it and be healed through the renewal of our mind.

We have to stop the sin cycle we live in with our mouth. Just stop and begin to confess the solid ground you walk on in Christ. Confess the clarity and vision. Declare the one-mindedness, declare the straight road before you, while you resist the confusion, guilt or downward spiraling.

Yes, you may not know where you are going, or how to get there, but sometimes all we need to do is stop and then take ONE STEP at a time. Even if the step seems illogical to our five senses for now, for it is alone by faith that we move and have our being.

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