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Diary Entry 25: Breaking Familiar Chains

You have been made free in Christ Jesus. It is a gift that is not earned but only received. If it is an addiction, depression or anything that is enslaving you, Jesus has freed you from it. If it is an oppression, such as someone manipulating and dominating over you to a pulp, taking your voice and belittling everything you do; Jesus has set you free from those chains.

Such chains or familiar spirits that have enslaved us much of our life, tend to want to stay, or find ways to get back in. An example is one of gaslighting and manipulation. It keeps the victim under its control and it convinces their victim that their submission is service to the Lord.

Instead what has happened is the victim has become just that- A VICTIM. Enslaved. It is only through a continual relationship with the Lord will the person find strength and courage, and say NO MORE to the fear and doubt. God gives an inner strength that rises up that no longer has dependency of the manipulator, a man, but rather chooses to depend solely on God to be their defender and provider of every need.

It may come back trying different avenues, even through those close to you. This is why the Lord says that you cannot not love your life (or family) over God. The love and dependency on Him outweighs your love for your own . He says it this way, “you have to hate your life” (your father and brother…), to be able to follow Him. It is not a command to actually hate, but it is a comparison of your devotion.

This devotion filters into our strength and faith. We begin to see our identity in Christ, not our works, and so we become set free form the chains of lies and manipulation.  His word becomes more real than the temporary flesh of man.

So, draw near to God and He will draw near to you to give you the confidence you need in Christ Jesus to keep fulfilling His call on your life, without fear, but in boldness.

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