woman wearing gray long-sleeved shirt facing the sea

Why am I Homeschooling

I have been home with my kids since the beginning of 2020, and after a year and a half I had reached the point where I had to ask myself, “Why do I homeschool?”.

I had lost touch with everything and needed to go back and remember the first day when I knew I had to homeschool. Even though I had a knowing, the idea of homeschooling was so foreign to me, but I knew that this is what I had to do.

I have to remind myself now and then, that even though I struggle through my own insecurities and weaknesses, I will not have it any other way. I will choose to raise my kids from home over and over again. I only need to adjust my view of why I am doing what I am doing.

 It is so easy to lose sight of it all, and this is where I need to continue laying down the foundation of why I am homeschooling, to keep me grounded and full of gratitude.

So why am I homeschooling?

From the onset I knew this was the heart of God. While I was studying my postgraduate certificate in education, digging my nose into its history, my world began to change shape when I befriended the idea of homeschooling, which was really the origin of education.

It was in that time that I had given my life to the Lord, and it was then that I had a knew understanding drop in my heart, as if it came from heaven, that this way of raising our kids was in fact His heart.

I encountered Him again many years later when my kids were still young, when after a simple prayer the penny dropped again… “homeschool”. That word lingered in my heart for days. However it was only after another 3-4 years did I finally take the leap.

This reflection is such a gift because it keeps me steady on the path even in the times it seems contrary.

It keeps me seeking His heart again… to realise OVER AGAIN… and AGAIN… that this is not my vision but His.

 Once I have the ownership of this journey properly placed, then I will have understanding and faith that what I am doing is not in vain, because it is not my vision, it is not on my own terms (or man’s as a matter of fact), and that it is never about me nor my abilities.

My 3 munchies

Even if my kids are testing me, homeschooling is His heart, then it cannot be founded on any thing else, even when it comes down to curriculum and grades.

It is has everything to do with the heart of worship. Worship is not a Sunday-sing-along, but its our daily living- as a living sacrifice. We live not to conform to the world, but to live things out His way. For each day belongs to Him, and is holy.

We need to ask The Lord to daily  reveal this to us and teach us to live in this lifestyle of worship. To walk in this understanding we keep depending on God through studying and spending time with The Word.

This is the beginning, and this beginning never ends, for our dependency in every step never ceases. The vision, and the power to work it out, belongs to the Lord.

As I was dealing with these issues I was so grateful for the word, and am still grateful for how He has spoken to me which has only given me new confidence to keep doing what I am doing.

And because it has touched me so, I began a podcast community group for families of the faith, to encourage them through the word to keep them doing wat they are doing.

It has been a journey on my part to keep the faith, to keep my voice, and to keep believing that He has called me to uplift you with a word.

If you seek a safe place to strengthen your homeschool heart, join me on our community group- AT HOME PODCAST.

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