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5 Things I Want To Help Mothers With

Mommy, we all need help along the way. I remember when the idea of homeschooling was new to me and I felt insecure about my decision.

You may not have a close community to encourage you. There is normally opposition to enforce doubt. Not that people oppose intentionally, they genuinely have concerns.

After generations of the ‘school-mindset’ it is understandable why homeschooling is foreign to many. You may have to (or already have) overcome a lot of fears regarding homeschooling, which is the starting point.

One game changer that helped me was to realise that it is not a question of whether parents should or should not homeschool; but it is in actual fact an extension of parenting.

Here are those 5 things:

1. Overcome doubts and fears to homeschool

As I have mentioned, overcoming fear is the first obstacle. It is kind of like chipping away at an old block. That block is our head! The old way we use to do things and the fear that comes with it due to peer pressure is the first thing that prevents us from beginning to homeschool. When we do begin we normally start in school mode. This takes me to my next point…

2. The ‘correct’ way to homeschool

Most newbies begin the ‘school at home’ way of homeschooling. This is totally okay for beginners as this is the first baby steps. We usually need a ‘safe way’, pretty much like a baby who needs to hold onto something to give him support to walk. However, as we find our feet, we become independent and realise what works and what doesn’t.

It is helpful to listen to those who have gone before us, who have already pioneered their way through uncertain territory. I love to listen to like-minded influencers, whom have helped shape my ‘block-head’. I trust that their positive insights will also be of great value to you.

3. The importance of faith and rest

As the old block begins to take new shape, and you begin to pioneer your own homeschool journey, more than ever you need to keep yourself motivated. Motivation does not just happen, but as you persist you will learn to remain in faith and rest in God, which is your greatest foundation. When the little old block pops itself up to bring fear, loss of vision and doubt, the anchor should always be The Word.

In the most miraculous ways, you will find new strength and hope, which I am always learning is not of ourselves alone, but of the One Who is The Author and Finisher of all things. Your faith and rest in Him, even in stormy situations, will keep you rooted.

So it becomes important to set time for The Word. Time with your Creator is definitely a goal you could incorporate into your life with the resources I provide for you.

4. Living healthy and intentional lives (Self development)

Rooting ourselves in The Word of God is only the beginning of living an intentional lifestyle. We root ourselves in faith and rest, not so that we remain so rested that we become dormant and without vision.

We learn to rest in faith so that we CAN MOVE. Movement is our ‘doing’, which is the fruit of faith. With movement comes progression, but progression happens when we are clear about what we are going to do. This is why goals are important.

Goals help us be intentional and remain in the loop of good habits. Not only do they direct our movement so that we are not all over the place, but we will less likely give up during tougher times.

When you become intentional with the small things; homeschooling… then your house work… then it becomes easier to form good habits with the next and next thing. My work will help you to set goals, and shape a lifestyle towards healthy and successful living, physically, mentally and spiritually.

5. Recommending ways to help your child learn foundational skills

For a momma to really own her homely lifestyle like a boss, is the best she can do for her family. I am here not only to empower mothers in their homeschool lifestyle but to also to aid them in the actual ‘schooling’ part of homeschooling.

Working with your own child at his pace and needs is such a privilege. I trust my homeschool resources, recommendations and tips will help your child learn the foundational skills of reading, writing, numbers and arithmetic.

In Closing

We all need a little help from time to time. The first step to progress and seeing the good fruits is to realise when we do not always have it together. It is when we confess our mess, can we rest assure that we are a step closer to flying higher.

God gave those little children to you Mama– to you. No one else can mother them like you can. You may have your work cut out for you, but you’re the one cut out to accomplish it.


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