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Are You At The Right Place?

HomeschoolThingz was designed for homeschool moms:

  1. who are new to homeschooling and do not know where to begin
  2. who are being bullied to not homeschool
  3. who have been homeschooling for years but have lost their vision for homeschooling
  4. who have lost motivation within their home life
  5. who feel disorganised and disoriented between the demands of homeschooling, house chores and work
  6. who feel they have lost their health or fitness
  7. who desire to become more self-proficient in family health
  8. who desire to lay biblical foundations for herself and her family
  9. who need to lay the foundations for reading, writing and arithmetic
  10. who want to improve their children’s reading and writing
  11. who want new ways of teaching math basics and foundations
  12. who feel they are not cut out for parenting
  13. who believe they are not doing enough
  14. who want to keep their home from the goodness and power God alone gives
  15. who need a community of like-minded moms to grow with and share

Why was HomeshoolThingz designed for you

Homeschooling is so much more than just doing school! The hard truth of it is that we actually face raising our kids fulltime (no breaks there!), which carry a “few” realities that may challenge us. Homeschooling is a WHOLE PACKAGE deal. It is the house, the disciplining, nursing them to health, doing the curriculum, adapting to “less-is-more”, endless chores, endless whining, and the overthinking! Perhaps somewhere along the line, the novelty of staying at home with your kids wear off.

You may lose your motivation along the way, and the kids are very unlikely going to cheer you on. It is a lonely path, so it is tempting to wonder what everyone else is doing and question, “Are we missing out?”, “Am I doing this all wrong?” With the added uncertainties of life, vision may fade; BUT I am here to tell you mamma, “You have got this. You are doing the most important work.”

Homeschoolthingz was designed for mothers who are homeschooling or who want to homeschool

At HomeschoolThingz, I aim to share my journey with you, with resources, tips and encouragement to empower you to take ownership of your journey.

I have seen many mothers who began homeschooling only to not believe they can do it. Whether it is the belief that schools are more capable to educate their kids, or the difficulty moms and kids face adapting to home life, or due to any of the points in the above list, many mothers abandon the call.

The truth is, momma, you cannot do it alone. This is why all of my content will have a biblical foundation which turns our attention to our need to stay in scripture and in fellowship with God. When you begin homeschooling with this in mind, the weight of it all will be lighter. You will realise that you can do this, not from your own ability and goodness, but because you have a very good Teacher. Jesus Christ.

To close, I have experienced all of the above. I have become overwhelmed by the demand to engage and confront my children on a daily basis. In addition, the cultural upbringing of most of us has been to find our identity and worth in our careers and ‘self development’. Although it is the right thing to work hard and do a job well done, it has become unnatural to be with our children and somehow it has belittled our value. When we do not see the value of our position, we may begin to lose heart.

At HomeschoolThingz, I hope that you, momma, will grow to realise your value and that your work is the most important work.

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