
Diary Entry 1: Yoked

Be watchful to what you are yoked to.

Romans 12 says that we are not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind so that we may know and prove His good and perfect will.

You yoke yourself to the one that you conform to, in thought, belief and deed. Renewing your mind to the word of God will unyoke you from groups or individuals as you begin to start thinking and speaking differently. Do not be ashamed.

In the bible, many that did believe in Christ Jesus would not confess their belief for fear of being turned away from the synagogue. They sought the glory from man rather than the glory that comes from God. Yet the word tells us that those who are ashamed of Christ will not receive His glory; but for those who are not ashamed of Him, He will not be ashamed of them.

So the ones that sought the glory from man remained yoked to man’s thinking and opinions, keeping them blind, deaf and unwise in their traditions.

Those who confessed their belief in Christ are not put to shame. In effect they become yoked with The Holy One, reaping the benefits of His Spirit. His eyes, ears and heart.  For He gives them a heart of flesh instead of stone. They dream dreams and see visions.  They are empowered with all wisdom from The Lord on High.

They have the words of life, for the kingdom is near them, in their heart and mouth to speak. Nothing is too difficult for Him, so nothing is too difficult for them, for His yoke is easy, and burden is light. The seemingly impossible becomes possible and it’s all because the Lord is with them. They are moved by His faith and not by sight.

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