person holding babys hand

Diary Entry 10: He will be your Teacher

In Matthew 13 Jesus taught on the kingdom of heaven using parables, and the people said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is he not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary?…. Where did he get all these things?”

And they took OFFENSE and did not receive him so he couldn’t do many mighty works because of their UNBELIEF.

Take this scripture into your situation. Maybe you are homeschooling, a stay-at-home mom, your husband is only a carpenter, a driver, or a shop keeper. You’re a simple folk, in a simple town. You haven’t sent your kids to any special classes or university; and you are not on any school committee…

BUT WHERE do your kids get such great wisdom and mighty works?

I believe this is the word of God over you and your family today- Wisdom beyond our generation is your portion! The work of God over your life as you keep close to Him!

What a testimony of God in your life! You may suffer offense and rejection, for you do not have the accolades and certificates. You may not be part of the club or the elite…

but was Jesus?

The mighty call on His life did not stem from the best college or curriculum. Where did the mighty wisdom and works come from?

Not from man!

So this is how we train up our kids- we exalt Him above the schools and curriculum, above the world, and keep close in His Rest, imparting wisdom from above; and we ask Him to be their teacher.

He calls us into this REST and promise- To be our teacher!

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