shallow focus photography of assorted flowers

Diary Entry 20: Consider the Wildflowers.

Every time you are tempted to become anxious for anything, consider the wildflowers how they grow. They are clothed more glorious than Solomon was, so do we not realise that we are more valuable than these. Our Father will take care of us and all that we are anxious about.

As I have begun putting my hand to drawing flowers, He has shown me His attention to detail and the humility He has in considering each flower in its glory. Every line, wrinkle, curve, or shade of colour tells us of Himself; He is not rushed but in absolute humility has care in every detail.

As I pay attention to drawing one of His creations I become aware of this humility. THIS God of the universe, in all humility, chose to take His time to design and form me, and still went further to pay in blood to give me a new nature in Christ Jesus. What a God we serve. We are certainly safe in Him. In His humility and meekness we are safe from all hopelessness and despair.

So as you go about your new day, have this in mind: that this day is another line of the flower that He is perfecting, or a new shade of blue that he is applying. He SEES you even if you feel like a flower lost on a remote field somewhere. He HEARS your heart’s prayer. He FEELS it too. For when you are born again in Christ, He works in you to WILL (which means to desire) and work for His good pleasure. His desires become your desires and He is faithful to fulfil His desires.

The faith we now have is to be confident enough in His faithfulness to perfect what He has begun in us, and to not allow our weaknesses or circumstances to steal that. The enemy comes to steal and bring doubt, not God. God fulfils his dreams, and we are to work WITH Him, resisting the doubt and fear and feeding our faith with His WORD. We are promised that in weakness His power (this includes His will and desires) is perfected in us, so that we may see that this did not come from ourselves, but from God.

His grace is sufficient for us. So all that is left is to love Him with all our mind, soul and heart!

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