person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Diary Entry 23: Keep Moving

If you are like me, you may suffer with the anxiety that comes from the seemingly impossibility of being able to get to everything that you need to do. Whether it be a time factor, finance or just pure lack of direction or energy, those plans and dreams may overwhelm you because they have now become a mountain of impossibility and disappointment.

I love the ability to dream, but with it I face the fears and the enemies of my own making. Although there may be a vision, it always seems so far out of reach… so instead of being encouraged, my dreams turn to dread.

I present you with this problem so that I may encourage you with His comfort today. God will often lead you through a challenge so that you may learn His comfort, so that you may be a comfort and a service to others. His comfort is often accompanied with solutions. The solutions may not be always as expected, as to the flesh we want precise answers but in the Spirit he says just have faith.

You  may be in a place of transition, a fork in the road, or you just do not know which direction to take. You sincerely may not have the answers. Perhaps you have been praying in the spirit, and continuously seeking the Lord, but you just don’t know.

The word I have for you today is only have faith. Only keep asking and seeking as you have, AND do not quit moving. Do not quit in the direction you began, although you have no idea what you are doing or what you are to do. Only trust and thank him that He IS with you guiding and empowering you by his Spirit to will and do the work for His good pleasure. Begin to quit second guessing and overthinking, but keep flowing and moving by faith and not by continual reasoning through the senses.

Resist the intimidation and timidity from  your lack of understanding or direction, and stand confident in ONE THING-  Christ! Then keep moving holding on to the peace of God. He is your advocate and you do not need perfection to start and finish.

Say NO to the doubt and the sinking feelings that you may be suffering from. The intimidation you experience are lies, so face the giant that belittle you and SAY. “No more!” Make captive every thought that exalts itself above God, and cast it out.

Daily you have to disable the opposition that keeps you stuck and stagnant.

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