
Diary Entry 7: Focus and Perseverance

Romans 12 says we ought to know His will by not conforming to the world, but by being transformed by the renewal of our mind.

We sometimes come to learn and understand things through stories and pictures. When we hear and SEE something we are more easily learn and retain the truth.  So today I use the picture of a camera lens.

We all know that a camera lens zooms in on the object that we want to focus on, with the emphasis on WANT. What we WANT is our WILL.

Romans 12: 1- says “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”.

In Christ we are dead and therefore we no longer can have the will of a dead man, but we now have His will. So before you can follow Christ you must consider yourself dead but alive in him.

His will becomes our will. His will is His vision, which becomes our vision. His vison is a narrow way, much like tunnel vision. His way is above any other way, so there cannot be any other way, hence the tunnel vision. On such a narrow way nothing can revere you off course. No matter how things tempt you, or how many times you stumble, His vision is the focal point. It becomes your truth and no distraction or lie can change that.

So, you keep zooming in to Him, conforming to Him, not the world, but you keep pressing on, and persevering. Know He is always with you.

In closing, you have the camera, so you have free range to focus on anything you WANT. You have the WILL to focus on another way, the world’s way, or His way. Keep in mind the wide leads to destruction, but the narrow way (the tunnel vision) leads to life! When we learn to trust Him, we will learn that His will is truly our will, since we are made in His image, and there we are truly happy.

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