
Diary Entry 8: The Sword

When we proclaim to be a Christian, we proclaim to be devoted to Christ Jesus. Yet do we KNOW Christ Jesus to be able follow Him?  The Word of God is a powerful tool to equip us, girded with His Holy Spirit, to empower us to know and follow Him.

Romans 12 is a scripture we can always look to, to remind us that we choose whom we follow. We can conform to the world, or conform to God. We are told not to conform to the world, but to know His will, and to follow Him, by renewing our mind.

The awesome gift of the Word and a relationship with the Holy Spirit will renew our mind and give us a new perspective and transformation in the way we should walk.  The Word of God is a sharp two-edged sword that divides spirit from flesh. As we seek, pray and read the Word, it will gently cut away at the flesh mind, leaving renewed Spirit thinking.

The process may not happen overnight, and it may seem uncomfortable at first, like a weaning from the old, which is the world and traditions we are so conformed to.  The old is a weapon on its own, with its own ideologies and kingdom that have us serving it. We are now given a new kingdom, with its own Master, and weapon, The Word of God which is Spirit and life.

It is important to understand the words we choose, either life or death. It will shape our life and our children’s life. It is our weapon to defend and to cover our families. While the world is spewing words of panic, or confusion over gender, we are the shield that covers our children, cultivating faith and hope, through the truth that we are feeding our mind.

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