
Diary Entry 9: The Rest

The Lord has been speaking of The Rest for some time. The Rest in Him is our foundation for living. Our eating, our lying down, raising our kids, our businesses , ministries and relationships are founded on The Rest.

To define The Rest is to look at Jesus and believe the works He has  done. When we receive Him we become born again, so our old man is dead and now this life is His life. We have a rest that comes from His Spirit which is now alive in you. We renew our mind daily to this reality.

He took all of our sins, weights, torments and  selfish ambitions,  cleaning us up white as snow, placing us inside of Him, and now He dwells in us. He is Home and we are home to Him.

If He now dwells inside of us, we have this confidence that our every waking day is at His mercy; forgiven, marked by the blood, filled with the fullness of who He is,  and so we are not overcome.

He pursued us. He loved us first before we even knew Him, and so how much more now that we have accepted Him and He now lives in us. This is our daily Rest from which we operate from. Our struggle is against the sin and weights that so easily entangles us into the worries and anxieties of life.

Our struggle is to remain untangled, that keeps us in the Rest of God which is only by His Spirit. This does not usually  come overnight, but it requires transformation by the daily renewal of your mind- of not who you are, but who HE is in you. The focus is towards Him, away from our performance, and  this takes off so much weight and gives you the confidence to live a beautiful life in Him.

It is impossible to live as the world expects you to and still maintain The Rest. Hence, we are told to not conform to the world. SO we are a consecrated people, and if we want our kids to also remain in His Rest, we lead the way by our devotion to Him.

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