
Three Rooting Principles

These are three principles that have been rooting me, as a believer, in God.

  1. Be real
  2. Press in
  3. Keep productive
  1. Be Real

Be real. It is tempting to become holier than though and approach God with this sort of persona. I listened to a believer who once said, “God cannot bless what you pretend to be”.  I don’t know about you, but this was ME. Of course, I didn’t realise it, but it was because I was shaped by insecurities, and so ‘pretending’ became a deep part of me; but God never forsakes His beloved, who keep seeking Him. He reveals broken areas not to break and hurt us, but that we can live a life of blessing which is only in Him.

I remember the day clearly. I was gathering my three children out of the house to go to school, but I was FED UP. I had to repeat myself over and over, the lawn was sloppy from the previous night’s rain. Now you can imagine carrying all the bags and a baby, running after 2 other children, trying not to wet myself in the process; and then my 3-year-old started screaming the neighbourhood awake because she doesn’t want to walk over wet grass. With the added pain of going to a job I was hating; my patience was GAME OVER.

I was so frustrated and I gave my kids a real show of what it meant to be furious! As I finally left the house, we began our morning ritual prayer as we drove away from our home. When it was my turn to pray, I felt this sudden shame, and realised I couldn’t pray. I felt like a hypocrite because moments ago I was raving like a crazy lady. However, it was then in my shame, that I found grace. The burden of being fake was too much for me that moment, and so I let it all go! Right there and then, I lay it down. I told God what I was feeling; I was frustrated and angry! It all came out. As I spoke to Him, He made me realise that I need to be REAL. I need to come to Him as a sinner and a failure, because then He can be my helper and my Lord. However, if I am always coming to Him with this belief that I need to have it all together for Him to hear me then it is ‘I’ who is being in control, and I am not entrusting Him with ALL of me.

When you experience these amazing moments with God, you cannot help but run with it, and then you start to see your life unfold as you entrust the darkest parts to Him, you begin to become an overcomer because you are changed. You change from a person who seems to be always tip-toeing around God, to a confident child of a God who now knows she, or he, can embrace all the weaknesses because it is not us that is important, but it is God. To know that God wants us to be real, and not fake, with Him, reveals how great His love is and how interested in us He really is. We will not find rest in our lives when He is not included in our lives, and we won’t include Him in our lives when we are always covering up. Shake off those leaves, used by our famous Adam and Eve, which cover the shame, mistakes and uncertainty; instead be real in your nakedness and vulnerability.

Now remember to REMAIN in this new REAL you, as daily pressures will tempt you to step out of this REAL grace.

  • Press in

Not only must we be real, but God needs to be real to us too. To realise His ‘realness’ we can close the door by shutting our eyes and press in, by envisioning Him as a REAL person, and that He IS close to us. As you take a moment to quieten down and know that He is near you, speak to Him. As you speak, draw close to Him, KNOW He hears you and that you are not simply rambling and repeating words in the air, which leave you feeling more helpless.  

In other words, pray simply, as you are, without pretending, covering up or over doing it. In the word, it says to not be like the hypocrites who pray to be seen; but when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to the Father who is in secret, because He sees in secret and you will be rewarded openly (Matthew 6:5-6). If you believe this way, you are less likely to carry the burden with you, because you know God has it and He will answer it. It is not your work, but His. If you feel weak in faith, you do not need strength. Only make up your mind, that He is true. His yes is yes. His Word is yes and amen.

Another help is to draw away from the crowds, which includes social media, trends, culture and even certain family or friends. Come out of there where voices overcrowd your mind and cause you to compare, doubt and ultimately shrink away from the faith to what God is calling you to. When you awaken to the reality that God REQUIRES you to be real with Him, you will find that condemnation cannot stick to you, and then naturally you will press into Him and include Him in your everyday living. Daily, you are the one CHOOSING to shake off the worldly systems of thought, and include Him in all your comings and goings, even though you may not have any answers. I stress, it is okay to not have the answers right away. That is the beauty of walking in God. He is passionate about doing life with you, even though you may not have everything together. His way is to use empty vessels. So come to Him, empty; empty of wisdom, empty of self-worth or righteousness, and He will fill you.

  • Keep Productive

It is a great temptation to fall into unproductivity in the unknown. In times of uncertainty, depression and feelings of failure or worthlessness will oppress and block us from new energy and creativity. Faith will begin to fade and fear overcomes us.  Instead, go back to the beginning. 1. Be real. 2. Keep pressing in.3. Keep productive. We learn by moving forward. Keep on going, and remain productive by putting your hand to something. Hear what He is saying as you press in. Be led. Be consistent.

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