photo of girl reading book
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Free Tips and Resources to Successfully Teach Children to Read!

Free Tips and Resources to Successfully Teach Children to Read! Sign up to download your free starter Letters and Phonics Reading Package! Below is some very helpful tips you can use with your free package. Make sure to keep reading! The thought of teaching your child to read may seem like a daunting task. The…

Easter Dot Painting

Easter Dot Painting

Don’t you love Easter! The happy colours, patterns and of course the bunny and egg-shaped chocolates. I have no idea of the story behind the bunnies and eggs, but I always make sure to share the real meaning of Easter, with a couple of chocolates in my mouth. Jokes aside, and in all sincerity, it…

Educational Play Wall Poster-Flash Cards
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Educational Play Wall Poster-Flash Cards

Posters do not only bring colour to your home, but children engage with what they constantly see. My little one now walks past out poster walls, and with out any forcing, he begins to recite the ABC’s, or chants songs like “A is for a-a-apple”; or he tries to make other words that begin with…

Letters, Reading and Writing Play Mats
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Letters, Reading and Writing Play Mats

I loved creating our PLAY MATS POWER BOX. This is an all-in-one box, in which all the Play Mats build on foundational skills. Play Mats are a substitute for worksheets in the foundational stages, where children would rather be hands-on and learn through PLAY. My creations began when I realised how children love to write with…